Common Misconceptions About a Vasectomy Reversal

Are you considering a vasectomy reversal but unsure about the facts surrounding the procedure? Dr. Jean-Phillipe Bercier from Clinic Vasectomy has specialized in minor urological surgeries for more than 5 years, and has performed thousands of procedures. Dr. Bercier is here to set the record straight and address some of the most common misconceptions about vasectomy reversals.

What are the vasectomy reversal success rates?

Most doctors will tell you that there is no guarantee of a vasectomy reversal. In the past, reversals were much less successful. Today, the technique Dr. Bercier uses has an 85% success rate overall at retrieving spermatozoids 1 month after the reversal.

Can a vasectomy be reversed after 15 years?

It’s true that success rates are higher when the reversal is done within 5 to 10 years from the vasectomy. But, Dr. Bercier insists that you shouldn’t discount a reversal if your vasectomy is more than 10 years old. Newer techniques make it possible for surgeons to reverse a vasectomy even after more than a decade has passed.

Can ejaculating too soon after vasectomy reversal damage it?

Dr. Bercier suggests to all his patients that they go 3 weeks with no ejaculation following a vasovasostomy. Many men wrongly believe that there will be “old” sperm in the testicles that needs to be ejaculated after a reversal. Actually, the body constantly makes new sperm. A vasectomy simply cuts off the pathway between the sperm and the semen. The sperm in the testicles just gets absorbed into your body, making room for new sperm.

Get the facts on vasectomy reversal

Instead of wondering if you are a good candidate for a vasectomy reversal, make an appointment with an experienced doctor who can assess your health and the potential for a successful surgery. You can learn more about the procedure to determine the next best steps for your situation. Dr. Bercier has vasectomy clinics in Montreal, Ottawa and Hawkesbury, and will be happy to answer questions and provide more details. Book an appointment at any of the clinics. Don’t let misconceptions hold you back from making an informed decision about vasectomy reversal.